

11차 철학실천국제학술대회 홈페이지와 12차 철학실천국제학술대회 공고


안녕하세요, 강원대학교 인문치료사업단 이영의 입니다.

제11차 철학실천국제학술대회 및 4차 인문치료국제학술대회가 여러분의 성원에 힘입어 성공리에 개최되었습니다. 다시 한번 대회에 참여해주신 여러분께 감사 말씀을 올립니다. 우리 사업단의 국제학술대회 홈페이지(에서 학술대회 프로그램,  정보, 사진 등을 확인하실 수 있습니다.

제12차 철학실천국제학술대회(XII-ICPP)가 2013년 아테네 국제철학대회(World Congress of Philosophy 2013) 분과로 참여하는 방식으로 개최될 예정입니다. XII-ICPP의 조직위원장은 Dr. Costas이고 저는 조직위원으로 참여하고 있습니다. 대회에 대해 궁금하신 점이 있으면 조직위원장인 Dr. Costa(나 저에게(, 010-3366-5261) 연락주시면 안내를 받으실 수 있습니다. 대회 초대장을 보내드립니다. 
Invitation to participate in the 12th ICPP(International Congress on Philosophical practice) in Athens (August 4-10, 2013)
The 12th ICPP will take place in Athens in conjunction to the activities of the 23rd World Congress of Philosophy (the World Congresses of Philosophy are organized every five years by the International Federation of Philosophical Societies(FISP) in collaboration with one of its member societies).
So we invite the members of ICPP to communicate a Call for Papers and Workshops for this important meeting of world cultures and philosophers in Athens.
The procedure is as follows:
1. Interested Philosophical Practitioners should register for participation at the World Congress of philosophy in Athens ( by October 1st 2012 (for the early registration fee of 200 Euros). Please follow the website guidelines on how to submit your participation form to the Congress.
2. They should also send their proposals for Papers or Workshops (maximum duration for each is 45 minutes for reading or activity, plus discussion of further 10-15 min) to Dr C. Athanasopoulos ( and ) by 20th OF SEPTEMBER 2012, so that he can prepare the organization of the Round Tables discussions and Workshops (as outlined below) with the Congress organizers, and see whether additional to the Congress days need to be organised (please note that we will try to accommodate as many workshops as possible and that there will be plenty of opportunity for informal and formal ICPP discussions, but if we have more than 16 papers and workshops proposals a selection process will be determined by the Organization Committee already set up in the Korea ICCPP-11th ICPP).
We propose the following four Round Table Discussions (an ICPP Round Table may contain up to four different Workshops grouped together in the basis of a common theme or a related application of a practice) for the discussion of the papers and Workshops:
1. 12th ICPP: Philosophical Practice- Principles and Aims
2. 12th ICPP: Philosophical Practice- Tools and Methods (including Workshops, if we have more than 4 Workshop proposals)
3. 12th ICPP: Philosophical Practice- Masterclass Workshops (up to 4 Workshops can be accommodated here)
4. 12th ICPP: Philosophical Practice- Regional Developments and the Future (where colleagues from Asia, Americas, Europe, Australia etc. will present their work- additional workshops may be accommodated here).
Even though we will try to secure these four Round Tables within the Athens WCP, there will be additional opportunities for further ICPP activities and space to conduct formal and informal ICPP business (so as to organize the next ICPP Conference).
There will be no additional (to usual WCP expenses) fees for ICPP members for the participation to the 12th ICPP (i.e., no additional to the usual Congress participation fees). If we need to accommodate large numbers of participants in ICPP designated spaces outside the current Athens WCP arrangements, then we will communicate further instructions at the time of the Conference.
Accommodation costs will be announced by the World Congress organizers, or ICPP members can arrange for their own accommodation via personal bookings with Athens Hotels and camping sites. More information about the Athens World Congress is here:
The members of the 12th ICPP can participate to all or some of the functions or events organised by the World Congress according to their will and availability (visits and sessions at the original locations of Plato's Academy, Aristotle's Lyceum, the Acropolis and Pnyx, Museums, Social Programme, Tours etc.).
For all further information please contact Dr Constantinos Athanasopoulos at and
The Official Website of the 12 ICPP is here:



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